Dear You,
Red dot.
Place of Importance.
Coveted Land.
Promised Land.
Streaks of Red.
Streaks of Blood.
The residue of the Waged War.
What’s left behind.
After a show is staged.
After an art is made.
After a man is burnt.
After a woman is raped.
After knowingly walking away.
After being displaced.
The physical act of leaving;
to go away - by force or by one’s own will.
The emotional and physical act of not belonging.
Belonging to:
The demographic location.
The ancestral house. The mother tongue.
The memories of your grandparents.
The lineage and history.
The religion and your God.
The Country - with a capital C.
The feeling of belonging.
The need of belonging.
The longing of belonging.
The belonging of truth.
The truth:
The man they rightfully believe being wrong.
The land they did and continue to consider theirs.
The yellow sun-kissed houses they built on it.
That tree, the hedge, the shed, the dog,
the woman they own.
The custodian of all of us - including yourself.
And, of course, metoo.
Yours faithfully, Me