Me&You - In a Dialogue

a collective hypertext reading performance


 Dear You,

Good evening! And, thank you for coming. 

This is a collective reading of letters written by me to you. These letters unfold a story or should I say many stories.

Eight of you, who decide to read the story on this table,
will be reading four letters. Addressed to you, by me. 

And, remember, you and me, we both are the co-authors of this story. You make the story, you wish to read. 

It’s fair to say, that this is a hypertext reading.

Meaning, each letter has four hyperwords, like hyperlinks -
from which you can choose one to proceed onto the next letter.

I repeat, each letter has four hyperwords, like hyperlinks -
from which you can choose one to proceed onto the next letter.

I say it again, each letter has four hyperwords, like hyperlinks - from which you can choose one to proceed onto the next letter.

Thus, the first three letters have hyperwords,
guiding you to construct your own narrative. 

Once you have read all four letters of your choice,
you can leave your seat for someone else to come read another story. 

My only request, do read them aloud,
remember - this is a collective reading.
You can whisper, murmer, stammer or scream,
but please do read them aloud.  

For the rest of us, we can walk around and on the paper and look; or sit and soak in, the impressions of my earlier encounters with you.

Yours faithfully, Me 

Let’s Begin!